

Subliminal Audio that helps those who suffer from anxiety and unmanageable worrying.



This subliminal audio caters to those of us that worry all the time. Wouldn’t it be nice to fall asleep at night instead of thinking of all things that could go wrong the next day? This audio is intended to be a tool to help

  • Keep the listener present in the moment
  • Alleviate restlessness
  • Help you focus on the present
  • Reduce the urge to panic
  • Reduce the worrying of the world falling apart.

Immerse yourself in the relaxing background noise of this audio, while your subconscious soaks up the affirmations hidden underneath. Subliminal Audios are  a great way to install change into your brain like installing hardware into your computer. No more walking around with affirmations written on your hand or post it notes stuck all over your house or office. This audio can be played while you sleep or the no background track can be played when no one needs to know that it is on. 30 days is the minimum for listening to a subliminal audio to install the change, anything less would not give the desired results. Creating new neural pathways is like trying to create a new habit, if you can listen to it everyday for 30 days it becomes ingrained.

For personal use only.

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